Welcome to our Ministries Page, where our mission is clear: to forge a unified alliance of Community Based Organizations, Clergy, Businesses, and individuals, all driven by an unwavering commitment to tackle the underlying issues of poverty, violence, and self-hatred that persistently afflict the black community. 

With dedication and determination, we have organized ourselves into 9 distinct ministries, each designed to address specific facets of our community’s needs. These ministries—Youth Development, Health Development, Economic Development, Basic Life Skills, Community Development, Vocational Development, Drug Abuse & Mental Health, and Special Events—are the pillars of our collective efforts, serving as catalysts for positive change and empowerment. Together, we strive to create a brighter, more resilient future for our community, one ministry at a time. Explore each ministry’s unique purpose and initiatives below, and join us in the transformative journey toward a stronger, more vibrant community for all.

In the United States, there’s a pressing need for community advocacy and awareness regarding issues like police brutality, self-hatred, black-on-black crimes, self-hatred, and domestic violence. Washington D.C. is among the top ten cities with high levels of gun violence and other violent crimes, which have a detrimental impact on individuals, families, friends, and neighborhoods. Exposure to violent crime can harm people’s health and development, leading to a cycle of decay in communities. In 2020, African Americans made up 34% of the total correctional population, and African American children accounted for significant percentages of arrests, detentions, and cases in criminal court nationwide.


Objective – To develop youth development programs to address violence, sexual promiscuity, drug use and prevention. This committee will develop a rites of passage program to instill positive principles of discipline, self-esteem and positive self-image, knowledge of self, and respect for life for youth development.


Objective – To address obesity, educate community on principles of how to eat to live, develop a physical work-out program, offer health development workshops to provide free health screening for various diseases and physical abnormalities. The committee will also organize and host seminars and workshops for healthy living.


Objective – To educate the community via workshops and seminars on personal money management techniques, saving and investments programs and strategies; this committee will develop community enterprises that will use economic development for community enhancements and educate the community on Principles and benefits of pooling community resources.


Objective: To address the teen and adult literacy epidemic that impacts disadvantage communities by implementing an adult literacy program to prepare students to pass the GED. This program will also educate students and adults on basic life skills for communication, employment, child rearing, and proper social behavior.


Objective – Develop Community development programs to address the lack of unity in the community. These services will be offered via workshops, seminars, and edutainment special events. This committee will develop a curriculum for “Self-improvement the basis for community development” and market the curriculum to disadvantaged communities for community and self empowerment.


Objective – To provide vocational development training to disadvantage community members to become self-reliant by training and empowering the students with specialized skills in career disciplines such as: Computer Networking, Auto Repair, Barbering, Cosmetology, Computer Repair, Electrician, Plumbing, and Carpentry.


Objective – Offer free onsite drug treatment services to youth and adults in the community. The program will be spiritually and principle based with heavy focused on obedience to mental and spiritual laws as the solution for healing and restoration.


Objective – The committee will organize and plan community events that offer education and entertainment (edutainment) which elevates the community’s consciousness of how local and foreign affairs impact the community. The committee will also plan, organize, promote, and host community events that foster love and unity within the community.


The “Fatherhood & Motherhood Parenting Ministry” within CREWS is a powerful force working tirelessly to strengthen the fabric of our community. Our mission is deeply rooted in the belief that nurturing and empowering parents is essential to addressing the root causes of poverty, violence, and self-hatred within the black community. We understand that strong families are the cornerstone of a thriving society.